Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to maintain your Computer (windows)

A better maintained PC will give you better performance ..
Using some steps you can maintain your PC & surely your PC will run smoothly.


Software & Hard Drive maintenance :

1)  Clean out all the junk,cookies that is left behind by browser.
use CCleaner to clean the unnecessary cookies , junk. If you do not have CCleaner Download from
       Download CCleaner

you can clean cookies ,junk file by manually. Go to Start menu click on the Run .then type %temp%. temp folder will be open then delete all things inside temp folder. Then again type temp & again delete all things inside the file. Do it again but this time type prefetch & delete all.

Lastly type tree & press OK .

2) Remove or Destroy all Malware or viruses

There is a very popular software called Malwarebytes Anti-malware can clean all the potential threats from your computer.

Download Malwarebytes

4) Defragment your hard drive monthly to keep your computer running smoothly.

5) Uninstall programs you no longer use, and delete music you no longer listen to.
The more free space your computer has, the faster it will go. You'll be surprised how much space you'll free up and how much your computer's performance will increase.

6)   Use your computers disk management systems.
 For Windows, select Start > Control Panel>System and Security>Computer Management>Disk Management> and then choose Rearrange items on your hard disk and Free up space on your hard disk.

CPU maintenance :

1)  Always run your computer on a UPS as this will help protect it from electric surges.

2)  Clean your computer less then a 6 month

3)  Be careful when plugging in USB, Ethernet, speakers, printer etc. into your computer. Ports such as USB and Ethernet can easily be damaged from careless placement. These repairs can be costly and these ports are a necessity.

 4)  Underclock your CPU for the ultimate in longevity.

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